To smoke a blunt and chill afterwards.
That la la la i be smokin, be gettin me right i be loking, them bullshit trees you be rollin, barely give you a buzz, me i get high.......50 Cent on his "Get Rich Or Die Trying." album
by kristin April 5, 2005
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to be between like and love
"I loken you, Marcus"
by *~*eMMaLYne*~* June 2, 2004
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A loser who lives on welfare, or unemployment, who spends his time smoking pot, drinking, and avoiding work. Also known to fake injury or sickness to get work comp or SSI.
What's Steve been up to lately?
Just being a Loken, you know he's on that Government check from welfare I hear.... Got the "fibromyalgia" ya know....
by pjlent November 1, 2010
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Fine Norwegian-American actress/model.

Featured in T-3 as the Terminatrix.
by Loken August 14, 2003
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New Nemesis to Arnold in T-3, Very Hot and Very Deadly with a nice cybernetic ass
I Like your gun
by Popeye July 21, 2003
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A Smart Person who is named after Garviel Loken. Loken is highly Admired for his cool head , intelligence, Strength and Perseverance.
Loken is highly Admired for his cool head , intelligence, Strength and Perseverance.
by xisluv September 28, 2023
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