A creepy person who you should not be around. Never trust a Hyunki no matter what he tries to bribe you with.
Me: Hey do you know that kid Hyunki in our math class?

Person: Oh do I, he tried to bribe me to create a website called ih8mrl.com for a pair of scissors and a lesson to do that

wierd spinny thing he does with his pencil in his hand.
Me: Oh that sounds like Hyunki!
by Particia November 26, 2017
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Hyunki is a scary person with a fun personality. He likes to stab ppl with his pencil, he also runs a mean 17 minute mile
Person 1: OMG! Hyunki’s coming!
Person 2: RUN
by hdjskajeherbdb October 9, 2018
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He's pretty Asian I'd say
Do you know hyunki the tall skinny Chinese kid
by Hks June 2, 2018
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