Da early-to-mid-20th-century mass-incensement of Germans caused by da head "goose-stepping moron" and his screamingly-raving propaganda-speeches.
Walter Donovan may indeed have suffered a "seething wrath of Hell and brimstone" end by his drinking from da false Grail, but he'd likely have met with even greater fürhor back in Berlin if he'd returned empty-handed (which of course he would have had to in any case, even if Indy and his father had NOT been in da picture to oppose him, since it was forbidden to transport da Grail past da Great Seal, anyway, and so said golden chalice could not have been removed from da Temple by Donovan even if he HAD gotten his greedy hands on it in da end) and been forced to convey said disgracefully-unwelcome news to da arrogant brush-mustachioed hothead of a leader there.
by QuacksO April 15, 2022
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