Xyzee is one of those typical amazing girls you'll ever meet, xyzee is most like a south-east asian name. If you ever meet a Xyzee in your life be prepared to hug them, even though they could hate you it doesn't matter they will always need a hug in life. Xyzee is quiet but loud, they'll be quiet around adults but loud around people they hate or even possibly love. Although it hurts them alot they try their hardest to let their friends take best, they help their friends even if they need the help instead for example, helping with advice and etc.

If you ever meet a Xyzee, just know you should be friends with them and take care of them as if they were like expensive jewelry, never ever lose them ok?

And if your name is Xyzee, I love you :)
by anonymous[297] June 9, 2022
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The best thing ever created, xyzee is very beautiful and amazing, loving and caring and has a big heart. Xyzee would take care of you no matter one, although never be on xyzee's bad side
"omg you're very like Xyzee!"
by anonymous[297] June 9, 2022
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