1. adj. To have your heart stolen or captured by a woodchip (a really hot guy)
2. v. To have been a woodchipper (to have stolen or captured a girl's heart)
Example 1:
Abby was totally woodchipped by Adam

Example 2:
Adam totally woodchipped Abby
by YoAnnaBanana5 March 1, 2010
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The act of bending your girlfriend over in front of a woodchipper, with her head inside the opening, not all the way though, while having anal sex with her. Then have a fan blow her long hair in to the woodchipper, so it catches on to the gears and starts ripping her scalp off and the woodchipper blades slowly but surely start chipping away at the layers of her newly exposed skull bone.

Sometimes you can pull her out and smash her exposed skull in with a hammer and skullfuck her so your dick keeps thrusting in to her brain.
boyfriend: wanna get woodchipped?!
girlfriend: fuck yeah!
*boyfriend performs the woodwchipped*
Boyfriend: HAHAHA! I'm fucking a bonehead.
by xxxxcx June 4, 2010
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To be drunk or stoned in a place surrounded by woodchips; most likely a playground.
"Dude, I just fell off the swing. I'm so woodchipped..."
by Gin rummy August 3, 2007
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An incredibly lovely guy.

He makes your heart skip a beat with the slightest smile. He turns your worst day into the happiest. He is playful, but loyal. He is good-looking, but humble. He is strong, but compassionate.

He is a gentleman, a hero, a dream-come-true. And he is so easy to love.
A woodchip does not smile at you one day and ignore you another. He is loyal all the way through. No matter how you look, no matter how you feel, he will always be there to help you. Many love him, but he returns the love. He is a true friend. And he is always a true friend.
by Guinevere7 February 27, 2010
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A really really really cute guy. He is incredibly sweet and all of the girls are in love with him. He is smart, good-looking, and compassionate.

A girl with same description is called a flowerpetal.
Laura: "Guess what? I'm sitting next to Herbert in English. He is such a woodchip! Kind, good-looking, and very smart."

Anna: "No way! You are so lucky. He has such a great smile. And he's good at everything. Seriously, all of my friends are obsessed with him. And it's his first week here!"
by PurpleBookWorm February 27, 2010
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amanda: that zombie movie was so epic!
ashlyn: i know! the main guy was such a woodchip! i stared at his face the whole time
amanda: naw, girl! the zombie at the end of the movie was so much woodchippier! did ya see those abs??
ashlyn: he didnt even have a head!
amanda: nobodys perfect...
by epicgrapesLOL February 28, 2010
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The description of a state of mind that is beyond high. More extreme variation on the term "chopped".
That 6-gram blunt got me woodchipped for hours
by hallucinog3n September 30, 2009
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