It means goodnight i want to keep talking to u but i really need to sleep cos i hve responsibilities in the morning
I love you, qwub off.

Qwub babe
You are really good at qwubbing now ;(
Imma qwub soon babe
Ok srsly qwub
No u qwub first, no u qwub first
Qwub qwub
Qwub for real
Ill qwub at 3
Just qwub it
Qwub time baby
Qwub never works does it
I should qwub
I love you too, you qwubber
I think we need a word stronger than qwub
I need to qwub
Qwub but not sleeping soon (need to study first)
Did u sleep after qwub last night
Not qwub just yet
by Qwubmaster April 3, 2021
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