this word originally derived from the Latin based term le cute nesse meaning in English modern translation
"Billary Shcollins Hessing"
by Babyislipnewmadison December 19, 2008
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this is a phrase used to describe a person or thing that is cute but to the extreme.
“Did you see the new kid today? He is totally cute-cute!!!”
by randomlyhere. April 9, 2020
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most innocent way to call someone pretty
she is just so cute lonquesha
by CutiewiththeCurls September 18, 2014
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Something that is adorable and makes you feel warm inside.
Rachel and Matt are so cute together!
by Frostmatt1337 November 27, 2010
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someone really sweet and kind and all you can do is smile when you look at them. Their just so great and cute to be around.
he's so cute like a Janyk Theron
by batman's girlfriend April 12, 2011
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attractive, esp. in a delicately beautiful way; pleasingly pretty; affectedly or pretty or clever; precious; mentally keen; clever; self-consciously cute mannerisms or appeal; Caroline
a cute kid; a cute little apartment; "Caroline is sooooooooo cute!"
by ae2011 May 12, 2009
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