57 definitions by ty

I didnt even know the meaning of them or that they meant anything to do with sex. my girlfriend gave me a black one and a orange one and told me to wear them i didnt think much of it and put it on. then after reading this i know how she meant it as in the sex way. i find it kinda funny people think by tearing it off your going to get what it "means" she tore my black one off and...
my girl *snap* haha theres your black one you owe me something
me: " what's it mean"
my girl: " sex"
me: haha
~ i will add i didn't have sex with her people need to chill out and take a joke its not like teens aren't hearing about sex or anything any other way look whats on tv now.. i mean come on lets kids be kids
by ty August 30, 2004
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one of such conglomerates that partakes in or delegates the naming of important sea-faring vessels and is generally autocratic, though in the guise of a democracy.
by ty February 28, 2004
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a female with a large ass
that girl is g unit
by ty April 15, 2004
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That which is a shame.
"Hey, Bob, I got genital warts."
by ty March 14, 2003
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That which is a shame.
"Bob, I got genital warts"
by ty March 14, 2003
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what i am by being by admitting that am not the only one awake at 2 am looking at all these stupid definitions and looking at the spelling of definitions on the top of the screen even though im 17,while listening to nirvina,and haveing an extreme meaningful feeling of existance and for the first time in life for a long time true happieness and expressing it on the internet early in the mournig because im here.
"i am that i am and thats all that i am""all we know is all we are""i dont think anyone will reed this and nobody will vote for this one""i love my girlfriend""quick,hop' like a bunny""i belive in yesterday""2 joints in the mournig 2 at night 2 in the afternoon it makes me feel alright""You can never think whats it matter ohh yeah drugs"i am my own virus"
by ty February 14, 2004
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