22 definitions by towel401

tiny village in holland where all the 15-30 year old british lagerlouts that smoke weed and fuck whores hang about.

Because its such a small town all the evil weed smokers and other scum hang about in the same place as the ordinary, decent people who just want to go shopping. This scum goes around stealing cameras and stuff and then sells it to feed their weed smoking and whore fucking addictions.
I went to Amsterdamn and some fucktard stole my brand new Nikon E2200 there. I dont think I'll be going there again any time soon.
by towel401 September 14, 2004
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Any person who supports, does not have a problem with drm this includes pushing for new laws to mandate drm on products or supporting drm in any way. Anyone who buys protected content when there is an unprotected alternative available is also a drm worshipper.
Orrin asshatch, the european union, george w bush, fritz hollings, bill gates.

I caught sam downloading from iTunes, gawd shes such a drm worshipper
by towel401 August 5, 2004
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A right wing government's blatent way of squandering hard earned tax payer's money by freely giving it to the big corporations they worship so much
Usually we would do this by hiring diggers at ridiculous prices from plant hire firms to fix up the roads, but since all the roads are fixed now and we have no excuse to give the plant hire firm more money we will just put it into corporate welfare
by towel401 September 18, 2004
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Cheap politically incorrect magazine for young sluts and whores which encourages teenybopperism and prepares young girls for a life as corporate whores. also claims its okay to be a slut, smoke weed, cut yourself, etc..
some guy: Katy reads cosmopolitan
other guy: Hmm.. that explains why shes such a slut
by towel401 September 22, 2004
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A variant of "Whats up" often used by teenage girls.

May also be spelled "Whatsuppies" and "Whatsuppiez"
by towel401 January 11, 2004
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The kind of all singing-all dancing guy who appears to be loving, caring and seems to be nothing but perfect, ends up stealing your girlfriend just so he could fuck her. They stay together for how ever long sunshine-boy can stay perfect. Which isnt usually very long.
Some guy: What happend to your girlfriend, Katy?
Other guy: Oh, she ran off with some sunshine boy from Kansas named Rupert.
by towel401 October 4, 2004
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Something that all electronic manufacturers like to put on their products nowadays so they will "do their little bit for the industry"

The DRM feature is actually no use to you but people still buy it because all the companies get together and say "we will put DRM on all the products we can from now on"

A little pesky feature that only helps out the content industry but not the person owning it.
Normally you can do what you like with any product you buy, unless it has DRM in which case it will do what the content industry wants it to do as opposed to the person who owns it.
You go into a shop, pay £400 for a brand new iProd to find out that it doesnt do what you want it to do (copy songs??) even though your the one who paid £400 for it. Instead it helps out the recording industry and guess how much they paid for your iPod?? NOTHING! It isnt theirs, but the DRM "helps them out" anyway
by towel401 August 5, 2004
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