4 definitions by thecrumpler

A technical term used by the toilet paper industry to describe a person who wraps the toilet paper around their hand, and uses the who hand to wipe themselves. This is considered the most dangerous technique, and using anything less than 3-ply could have disastrous results.
"Hey man, how do you wipe your ass?"
"Oh, I'm a wrapper."
"Dude. Gross. I'm never shaking your hand again."
by thecrumpler August 30, 2006
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A technical term used in the toilet paper industry to describe a person who crumples the toilet paper into a ball before cleansing themselves. Opposite of a folder.
Man 1: How do you wipe your ass?
Man 2: Oh, I'm a crumpler.
by thecrumpler July 3, 2006
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A technical term used by the toilet paper industry to describe a person who neatly folds the toilet paper over itself before cleansing themselves. Opposite of a crumpler.
Man 1: How do you wipe your ass?
Man 2: Oh, I'm a folder.
by thecrumpler July 3, 2006
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N. A day in which you could tell everyone you know that you would give them a crisp, new 1000 dollar bill, if they gave you a phone call, and yet, no one calls. Had mostly by emo kids, because they want to talk about their problems, but no one wants to listen.
Man, it's such a thousand dollar day.
by thecrumpler July 7, 2006
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