4 definitions by misterx

Whining is complaining when the complaining is of no use. For example when the reason of the complaining can't be eliminated or if the complainer isn't even trying to do so.
"Tom whined about the pebble in his shoe for two hours before removing it."

"Sally kept whining about her headache while waiting for the pain killers to take effect"
by misterx November 29, 2004
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Lillerds : Term that describes people that are very sweet and kind… Once you get to know a Lillerd better, you realize they are unbelievably genius and funny in a way no one but the people close to them understand. Being friends with a Lillerd is a big honor that you should never take granted, Lillerd souls are truly beautiful.
„Your such a Lillerd…“

A what ?“

„An amazing friend that I can always count on!“
by misterx August 7, 2023
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A person or entity who often spams on message boards and chatrooms.

See also Psycho
by misterx September 20, 2003
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Sum- over used white stuff that come out of the bell end of yer penis.. quite disgusting really... so shower ur penis once in a while
by misterx November 22, 2003
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