19 definitions by mexicanfoxnigga

a form of way to tell a disciple of gigga nigga to talk their feelings to the one and holly gigga nigga
come young one, tell gigga nigga your problems
by mexicanfoxnigga April 19, 2021
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a time when you take a shit but you have something hella hard like your pp and takes forever to push and feels like giving birth
tommyinit: I had a dry poop the other day
wilbursoot: what the fuck
tommyinit: my poop was a boy
by mexicanfoxnigga October 8, 2020
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expplainatinon of mexican guy saying :no fucking way i understood no shit at all
him: so then i started jobgbgohpoufgofbodugfwie
me:ni entendi verga wey
him: nigga what
me: no mames cuhh
by mexicanfoxnigga January 13, 2020
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the best drink
aww hell nah spunch bops brapos bis Taco bell baja blast
by mexicanfoxnigga April 30, 2021
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when a white girl uses tik to 24/7 and does tik toks with her friend group and try to be funny.
they also think that their music taste is superior than anime or Japanese or any other kind of music.
me: hey
white girl : hey
me: wanna hear some music i like?
white girl: it better not be anime music
me: its 1980 japaneese future funk
white girl: is that anime?
me:some what yea
me: im bouta get racist
this is a typical white girl moment
by mexicanfoxnigga February 24, 2021
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p1:whats ur gender now
p2:blender sex:
p1: excuse me?
p2: born male chopped my dick off with blender now I work at subway for men
by mexicanfoxnigga April 16, 2021
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sciense of troll
step one: cover your self in oil
step two: wait for rain
step three : walk out
step four: f̵̧̡̝̮̙̳̩͓̤̣̊͆̀̎̾̈́̿̆̄̏̈́̉̾̾͒͊l̴̢̟̞͖̻̑͆̾̄͘y̵̨̛̛̗̱̮̝̻̼͒̀͂͛̆͘͜͝͝͠
Troll physics bitch
by mexicanfoxnigga April 14, 2021
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