12 definitions by iMonkeyBIZ

Describes an action that is seeking external approval from others; typically to solve some deep-rooted childhood trauma.
That girl is exhibiting validation seeking behavior by posting half-naked selfies on Instagram all day.
by iMonkeyBIZ February 9, 2020
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This occurs when men go into their dating apps and change all of their settings to ONLY target Asian women. This will allow the male to acquire Asians at scale and set up multiple dating opportunities in a short period of time.

This strategy works best when it is executed by a white male over 6 feet tall in a large metropolitan area.
Person 1 - Hey man I'm working on a Geo-Targeted Asian Sex Consolidation. I'm hoping for good results.
Person 2 - Dude we're in San Francisco - there are Asians everywhere! You are going to clean up!
by iMonkeyBIZ February 9, 2020
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A tampon that is filled with THC and CBD distillate and diffuses over hours. This has been proven to reduce inflammation, PMS, and other symptoms of periods.
When I use a tingling tampon, my periods are much lighter and my vagina feels great!
by iMonkeyBIZ February 9, 2020
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A boring room full of submissive beta males who don't know how to take control of their social environment. A low tier sausage fest.
Person 1 - let's get out of here man, it's Cuck City.
Person 2 - Ya let's hit the strip club. It's a sausage fest in this bar.
by iMonkeyBIZ February 10, 2020
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When you raise capital in an investment fund to acquire multiple Russian mail-order bride platforms. This is done so that the investor controls the supply chain of connecting beautiful Russian women and rich white men.

Conspiracy theorists state that this is how the Russian government blackmails powerful politicians and businessmen. There have not yet been any recorded cases of Russian mail-order brides blackmailing their rich, powerful husbands.
Person A - Hey are you still planning on going through that Russian mail-order bride consolidation play?
Person B - Ya, we raise $100 Million to acquire the top 20 online platforms. We will own over 90% of the market in the next two years!
by iMonkeyBIZ February 9, 2020
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A ruling party within a country that enforces strict obedience and allegiance to authority at the expense of personal freedom (as seen in Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia, China, and sometimes, America).
Person 1 - Hey what are the most up and coming authoritarian regimes?
Person 2 - The Trump administration is rising the ranks quickly. Let's see if they can compete with North Korea and Syria.
by iMonkeyBIZ February 10, 2020
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Usually performed by a guy who is talking to a girl at the bar and trying to assess how deep her daddy issues go. This will help the gentleman assess the ratio between the level of daddy issues and the quality of the blowjob.
I was daddy probing this girl at the bar and found out she grew up with her mom and sister. I think she's looking for some validation from a positive male role model.
by iMonkeyBIZ February 9, 2020
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