22 definitions by giraffe-o

Ya see a chik with thick eyebrows, you know she's sportin the tarantula pants.
by giraffe-o February 1, 2007
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To imbibe copious alcoholic beverages as a way of dealing with Christmastime stresses.
"I'm so exhausted by Christmas shopping with my whiny kids, I just want to deck the halls with some eggnog and brandy the rest of the day."
by giraffe-o December 2, 2009
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Someone who is expendable in a crisis, who can be sacrificed for the greater good. Based on the request from Texas Republicans to let old people die, during the 2020 COVID-19 crisis, so young people can go back to work.
“If we have an apocalypse, I’m throwing you to the zombies like a Texas grandparent.”
by giraffe-o March 25, 2020
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slang in police lexicon, meaning an untainted handgun a corrupt cop will have ready to plant on a suspect they've shot. Prevalent in New Orleans culture, during the militant state in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. (seen on PBS' Frontline)
My partner used to carry around a ham sandwich to pin on some poor fucker they might shoot down.
by giraffe-o August 26, 2010
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On a driving trip - continually passing or getting passed by the same cars.
I limit the pitstops I take when I'm on a long drive, so I don't have to keep playing roadtrip leapfrog with the same douchebag drivers.
by giraffe-o September 3, 2014
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A character in a movie/show who is only there to ask dumb questions and be a lazy plot device. They are either incredulous about the events around them, or stupid and can't sort it themselves.
'The characters in "Transformers" don't do anything, they just sit around and blurt out stupcredulous reactions to everything."
by giraffe-o April 24, 2012
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A person you are utterly dismissive, disrespectful, of scornful of, to the point you don't care if they live or are killed for being 'genetically unsuitable'. References the Copenhagen Zoo's controversial practice of culling their stable of healthy giraffes, by slaughtering them in front of schoolchildren.
Damn, son - you're a cold-hearted S.O.B., dissing your bae like a danish giraffe.
by giraffe-o February 28, 2017
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