13 definitions by gentaXY

Acronym: Where was my motherfucking invite?

Used to convey one's displeasure at being excluded from a social event.
B: "Yah, all my close friends and colleagues are invited to my wedding, trolololz".

S: "Wait, what? WWMMFI, you treacherous bastard?!"
by gentaXY June 20, 2016
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Acronym: Where was my motherfucking invite?

Used to convey one's displeasure at being excluded from a social event.
B: "Yah, all my close friends and colleagues are invited to my wedding, trolololz".

S: "Wait, what? WWMMFI, you treacherous bastard?!"
by gentaXY March 15, 2016
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Acronym: Low Resolution Fitty

English (UK) variation on the American term "Low resolution fox". Used to denote a female who may appear to be attractive either in a low resolution picture, or when viewed from afar IRL. However, on closer inspection it is revealed that she is in fact, fugly. Girls who fall into the LRF category often have toned & attractive bodies, but sport sub-par facial features.
"I saw this really hot girl from the other side of the club, but she turned out to be an LRF!"
by gentaXY May 18, 2009
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Alternate spelling of "Phone". Derived from the 1337 verb "Pwn".
"I'll phwn you later."
by gentaXY February 10, 2009
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Contraction of "sham conversation". Used to describe the practice of engaging someone in conversation without aiming to create a rapport or derive any meaningful information from the exchange. Shamversations are occasionally benign but can be of great strategic importance if executed effectively; examples are given below.
"Dude, why don't I engage her friend in a shamversation, then you can have a clear path to score a homerun"
~ as used tactically by a wingman.

"My fucking ex-girlfriend showed up a the club, so I grabbed the first hot chick I could find and started a shamversation."
~ used by a recently dumped guy to avoid social humiliation.

"This weird guy kept messaging me on Facebook, so I'm having a shamversation with him, in case he kills himself or something."
~ used to keep Internet weirdoes at bay.
by gentaXY May 25, 2009
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Verb or Adjective; A portmanteau of quim and swimming, to denote a situation where one is "swimming in quim" i.e. surrounded by attractive females.
"Man, this club is totally qwimming."

"I was qwimming through the club for half an hour before I found the bar!"
by gentaXY March 11, 2009
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A term used to describe any Ferrari F1 driver who is not Michael Schumacher. It is most commonly used to refer to Luca Badoer, as many people do not know his name or any other details about him (other than the fact he is a shit driver).

Since NOTMACHER conveys feelings of deep disappointment it may occasionally be used in general conversation to express this.
"I hope Schumacher's neck is better... fucking Notmacher is a bore to watch."

"Dude, I told you to get a bottle of DP not some cheap ass sparkling wine. Total notmacher..."
by gentaXY August 21, 2009
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