12 definitions by fredautonom

An uncontrollable urge to make games, art, stories, and other such nonsense on Scratch, MIT's very basic online programming community.
He stays up all night working on making math games on Scratch. I think he's got Scratch Cat Fever.
by fredautonom February 22, 2015
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A report about cronyism published by ALEC.
I looked up irony in the dictionary and found a link to a report on cronyism by ALEC.
by fredautonom April 26, 2017
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A mosh pit for people who care about important issues.
Steve: Hey, did you go to that protest?

Joe: Yeah man, it was intense.
by fredautonom April 14, 2015
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Someone who insists that one spells a band name or song title the way the band spells it despite the fact that the band name or song title is not even spelled correctly to begin with.
Fred posts the following status on Facebook, "Fallout Boy is the worst band ever!"
Brandi comments, "It's spelled Fall Out Boy and they are the best band ever!"
Fred comments, "You Emo Spelling Nazi, they don't even spell their own name right. It really should be 'Fallout Boy.'"
Brandi comments, "Fall Out Boy is NOT an Emo band."
by fredautonom April 3, 2015
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When you get heartburn and gas at the same time.
I shouldn't have had that chicken. Now I got the Hartz.
by fredautonom April 12, 2015
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That's not what I said. You're only toddler parroting. What I said was...
by fredautonom May 13, 2015
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v. To waste valuable time and resources putting your face on androgynous dancing elves to humiliate your family and friends.
by fredautonom December 21, 2014
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