16 definitions by diamondmanizzle3

A phrase everyone thinks when they submit a word which gets declined.
I wrote a not rude and not aggressive word and i expected it to be submitted... To my shock it was declined. So...I sent it again and well...it was declined again!

The editors can go fuck themselves.

Also, if you're an editor and you're reading this, I hope you are one of the good ones...otherwise take your laptop and shove it straight up your candy ass (check out The Rock) ;)
by diamondmanizzle3 January 14, 2014
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something really boring and seemingly never ending. It can also be used for perfunctory tasks.
doing the housework is long balls
by diamondmanizzle3 October 27, 2013
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a phrase used by people who know a women, who is rich and is a bitch. Often enough the woman will be snobby which gives her the 'bitch' part.
rich snobby woman: I bet you struggle paying your bills

that woman is now classed as the rich bitch by people who know her.
by diamondmanizzle3 October 27, 2013
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Those evil looking things you see on the ceiling. On occasions you will see a gnat, get real close to so you can kill it, and then suddenly realise it's a moth! This is all part of the Gnats plan...It will now stick his menacing probe in any part of your body and you won't even realise.
Whilst you are chilling out listen to some David Bowie:

Peter: Have you heard Beauty And The Beast yet? It's in the Heroes album.
Stephen: AGHHHHHH!!!!!!
Peter: What is it?
Stephen: It's a gnat!!!! Get under the covers quick!
Peter: (heroically) No don't worry, I shall exterminate it!
Stephen: Oh you hero!
Peter: No, wait it's a moth.
by diamondmanizzle3 August 2, 2013
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A thumbs Down is a way of showing displeasure of something. It does not necessarily involve using your very own thumbs. But more of a virtual dislike.

It doesn't always involve similar things on different social networking sites or websites. On some websites it just means "I did not enjoy that" or "There's is a problem with it". But, on Urban Dictionary it means "Where is the penis?" or "Not sexual enough".
Whilst some perverted 50-year old is on this website, he is looking for a cheap thrill in what 'tea-bagging' means. So he types it in, but contrary to what he wants he sees:

Tea Bagging:
The act of putting a teabag in a mug (Requires placement and desire for tea).

You get a Thumbs Down from him.
No wonder
by diamondmanizzle3 August 5, 2013
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Music without taste. Mostly auto-tuned and basically not real. Most girls seem to be obsessed with him, even though he is terrible at the only job he has to do-make music. And even when he fakes it (which is all the time) it still sounds awful.
(Horrible music playing in background)
Peter: Oh Jesus! What is this filth?
Daughter: O-M-G how do u not like dis music. This is well sick.
Peter: But it's not Bowie?
Daughter: Who?
Peter: You are no daughter of mine.
Daughter: O-M-G dad! It's Justin Bieber.

(Whilst i'm writing this, the word 'Bieber' has a squiggly red line underneath it. However unfair this world, there is atleast some satisfaction in that).
by diamondmanizzle3 August 3, 2013
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