3 definitions by dflgirlygirl

that horrible feeling at the store when you can't remember what you are supposed to buy and it isn't on your list.....or worse yet you forgot your list as well
As I wandered down the aisle of canned goods, I couldn't remember what the one specific ingredient I needed was, my shoppingheimers was taking over.
by dflgirlygirl January 13, 2009
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flatulence of the mouth or pen, the condition of releasing words like expelling gas, chronically. Farting words
He so enjoyed telling how marvelous he was, he suffered from a severe case of verbulence.
by dflgirlygirl December 26, 2008
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originally the two notes my nephew was to play in the Christmas program, is now the family word for any effing thing
Dang, I can't get the f and g computer to work.
by dflgirlygirl December 22, 2008
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