1 definition by cash34

This is a girl who is complete perfection in the inside and out. Always has a beautiful smile on her face. All guys fall for a Maddie, it's almost as if the love goddess Aphrodite has given all the Maddie's on earth her blessing of desire, but she doesn't like a lot of attention...only the most beautiful girls hate attraction. Most Maddie's usually have chocolate brown hair and deep brown eyes. They always have long legs and amazingly clear skin. ALL Maddie's are very intelligent and SUPER smart. They are usually crazy about blue-eyed guys but will settle for green. Don't ever try to challenge her because she will prove you wrong and shove your dumbness right in your face. She sometimes may be a bad influence, but if you invite her into your life she will make it a party. Her life revolves during the night, thats when shes the best BUT she will always try really hard to brighten your day no matter how long it takes her.
Guy 1: Aye man why won't Maddie date me? i mean she dated you. And DAANNGG she FINEE!

Guy 2: you have the same color eyes as her
by cash34 January 1, 2014
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