3 definitions by bpkey

To describe an object as being indestructible, to never stop working, or to outperform other similar products.
This truck is bulletproof, it never breaks down.

My knife just keeps on chopping through wood, it takes a beating and asks for more.
by bpkey December 4, 2015
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A verbal form of the abbreviation l.o.l. most commonly spelled as lol, standing for "laugh out loud". But verbalized as a word. Sounds like Lull.

When someone reads a text message that says "That was really funny, lol." In this definition it is describing the way in which the person verbalizes "lol." When they would just say lol(lull) and not word out the abbreviation as "laugh out loud."
Hey Tom, Jan texted me, "That card you sent me was hilarious, lol(lull)."
by bpkey December 16, 2014
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An exclamation made when letting someone know you calmed down after getting heated, because you smoked weed.
"My blood is boiling!"
15 mins later after smoking weed,

-You mad bro?
"Rastapasta, man!"
by bpkey July 7, 2017
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