5 definitions by bobsterclause

Whenever Someone or an idea, idiology, or circumstance disagrees with idologies, people, or politics of the left, or doesn't give said noun what it wants or things don't go the left's way.
The democrat party doesn't exactly cater only to poor people, and is not really the party for poor people like people believe, for example, there are just as many rich people on the left, or who are democrat as are republican or are on the right
Typical Leftoid response:
You're a racist.
That's racism (modern racism)
by bobsterclause February 9, 2023
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1 (Common)
When you're so deranged, being a piece of aluminum with a type of urine another biological life form other than humans which can not produce containing it for them to drink because the different waste molecules make them weird,

That you decide, despite not having the any such purpose in having a gender, to all of a sudden and for no good reason to NOT JUST TO BECOME GAY, but EFFEMINATELY gay

and then support an insane cult that supports inappropriate behavior towards children and supporting this cult of special crazy selfish people who just want to ruin women's sports and do bad things in women's places such bathrooms,

and for no obvious reason to you, and you are surprise, your sales drop in the FIRST SUCCESSFULL BOYCOT EVER by people NOT DAEMONICALLY POSSESED BY THE DAEMONS OF 'SHE WHO THIRSTS' (SLANESH)


;causing retailers to

remove the amount of shelf space you have


1 you spent decades building up
2 that is darn near impossible to build back in less than 40 years
3 giving it to your competitors
4 and becoming a GOSH DARN tv trope for all companies in the world to not want to happen to their brand
5 Costing billions in sales revenue
6 and you may get sued for

2 ( Hilarious )
When a bunch of silly absolute noobs think they are going to punish bud light (or Anheiser Bush)
by switching to an obscure brand no one knew existed
and it is owned by the same company they are trying to spite. Moldova?
'Uh, oh.

Remove the totally, one hundred percent, inappropriate adult stuff that adults should definitely never have to explain to their kids that absolutely counts as indoctrination without a doubt...

or we are going to find ourselves in an
Bud Lite Situation
and our stock holders will probably sue us for ruining (nuking) their stocks.
by bobsterclause June 4, 2023
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In terms of other media like websites, Tvtropes .org and Urbandictionary.com.
If you go to the tvtropes.org, a cult classic website, you will get addicted

Telling people tvtropes.org, the both famous and infimous cult classic, is an addictive wiki is trollish and misleading, because it gives the idea of 'for a wiki', and also, that it is far less addictive than it really is; tvtropes.org is one of the most addictive websites, in fact, it is addictive in general, so don't be troll when telling people about tvtropes.org, as friends don't give friends crippling addiction's not to mention anyone who gives a stranger a crippling addiction is just a jerk.
by bobsterclause March 22, 2022
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When an insane cult that supports destroying women's sports (for women) and letting men go into women's restroom and do bad things, burning down crap, and putting walmarts in black neighborhoods out of business
put up clothes for children of topics that are totally inappropriate for kids and parents were righteously indolent about not only having to say they can't explain this crap to them 'wait until you get older my child', but that they were supposed to (which is insane and immoral)...
and people got angry for some (in)sane reason totally incomprehensible to people who aren't just deranged but different apparently.

Target had to
2 (When target) had to remove the inappropriate and unhealthy indoctrination material in fear of 'The Bud Lite Situation'.
The target Situation:
'Uh, oh.
We need to remove the cultish indoctrination crap that is inappropriate for kids and is upsetting parents despite the financial consequences from the esb

or we are going to find ourselves in a
(The) Bud lite Situation.
If we don't,
stockholders might sue us for sabotaging their stocks.
Because we only care about money though, and still uphold Bud Lite original 'shelf space', we need to do math on what will loose us the most, the line of credit hit, or angry republican extremists from the far right.' (Actually just parents just rip shnit /shiz about having to explain front butt S words/concepts/ terminology to their children).
by bobsterclause June 4, 2023
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A power gaining word used by the left to rally people to a goal or objective and to cause people to do what the rallier wants them to do.
Modern day racism
uh oh, I disagree with a democrat, I'm a racist.
by bobsterclause February 9, 2023
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