31 definitions by Yoda

ok this is the best definition youll find for star wars, it is a story veiwed through the eyes of a droid called R2-D2 the whole story is basically surrounded by him through his eyes. it was possibly the best movie series ever made by George Lucas and has over a Kagillion friggen books that ive read! HAHAH IVE READ THEM ALL!!! star wars universe started back when the old tribals found out space travel and had goverend over liek the empire 1ce did. then the jedi order was made and they helped abolish this old advarsary, then Exar Kun the first Sith Lord ever started up the sith order and tons of people flocked to become a sith but alas, the sith became too powerful, each lord plotted against the next and they killed them selves off. then one of the smarter sith lords devised a plan only two at a time which is what initially started Star Wars episode 1, you all know it from there unless of course you've never read the New Jedi Order.
ok i know everything about star wars I RIVAL GEORGE LUCAS!! HAHAHAHAHA
by Yoda March 30, 2004
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a girls titty..breast...h00ter..
i was rubbing mya's tattie when the phone rang. i picked that shit up.. it was sailor moon
by Yoda March 24, 2005
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This word originates in the hood back in the day when people would be breakdancin and doin footwork see?
by Yoda April 5, 2004
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something that makes u shit urself.
that was fucking scary, i shit myself
by Yoda April 28, 2003
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Yoda started the order in about 20000 years after the order was started, he had one of the most highest medi chlorian count of most jedi -save a few of them back in the day and Anakin- but all in all he was powerful, when he was in his younger years(100-300) he had commanded a few fleets to attack in the Vorzyyd cluster and during that battle he had summoned a force storm large enough to cover an enemy planet in complete darkness and force lightning. now thats a jedi master, he had trained 100's of students including Dooku and a little of obi-wan kenobi and a little of luke skywalker.
I KNOW EVERYTHING!!!! hahahahah about star wars anyway.. my bad
by Yoda March 30, 2004
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1. Meaning one who holds sway over others by using his/her mystical 'force' to lure them to the bedroom.

2. A MASTER of sexual activities, using mind tricks and simple 'hand gestures' to get what they want.
Stag pulled that lass by just looking at her!?
He's obviously a Bedroom Jedi!
by Yoda August 19, 2004
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a circular object protruding off a female's chest. Especially used for feeding babies and in foreplay.
by Yoda April 28, 2003
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