2 definitions by ViXXoR

(ko-po) (College Police) Law enforcement wannabes usually found on college campuses. They can often be found driving small, under-powered, foreign imports with dorky decals. They are often seen wearing their trademark "dress floods" and shiny boots. Their call is often heard echoing through the halls as a mixture of overpowering radio static and the jingling of their vast collection of keys.
ViXXoR: Hey, Terry, what are the copo like, I've heard they come after you before?

Terry McSexpants: They are the lamest bunch of fucking idiots. They don't speak, its more of a slur. It's like they've eaten too much junk food and stared at a computer screen too long, and are just tired and want to go hang out in their mother's basements and post on forums and play magic cards.

They try and act tough and its like, whats their biggest weapon, a roll of quarters to call the actual police? They have all the authority of the coin-operated telephones at the mall. Unless you hit them or break something, and then they're allowed to direct you to the office and take ur picture. So that if you EVER go back there, and break something again, they can "detain" you (ask u to stay) while they get the cops there.
by ViXXoR October 14, 2005
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"iTunes? What the hell is iTunes? Just go to Canada!"
by ViXXoR March 28, 2005
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