5 definitions by TheManW/ThePlan

1. To forget or dismiss something.

2. To get violent.
1.Slam that shit, I ain't goin' in there!
Slammit, we'll think of something else.

2.Yeah?! Well then let's you and me slammit on, chum!
He's fuckin' with you? I'm a' slammit on and kill 'im!
by TheManW/ThePlan April 9, 2007
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A European-wannabe.

Just cuz they live in the area doesn't mean they're the real deal. Get real, gene-stealers, you aren't Europeans and you never truly will be no matter who says what.
Turks want to be part of the EU. That's funny because to name Turkey a European nation would be like inducting Nigeria into the EU and slapping a sticker on the country saying "European Nation".
by TheManW/ThePlan April 10, 2007
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He's nailin' me, yup, he's my input.
by TheManW/ThePlan April 9, 2007
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A murder that is meant to look natural.
A murder that leaves absolutly no marks or evidence of murder even after autopsy.
No marks...no illness...Looks like this one died of measles cuz' I smell foul play!

This mark'll be dying of measles tonight.
by TheManW/ThePlan April 9, 2007
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