1 definition by TJKona

Acronym standing for F-Fuck 'em, F-Feed 'em, L-Love 'em, L-Leave 'em.
The genetically engineered and socially bolstered process evolution has developed for the strengthening of evolutionary fitness in Humans.
Guy#1: Dude, that girl is FIT!
Guy#2: Damn straight she is! I'm gonna F.F.L.L. that twaat

Guy#1: Dude, that girl is FIT!
Guy#2: What did you just say, I didn't hear you, I was too busy laying down the eye game to F.F.L.L. that fine piece-of-ass.

Girl #1: You should go F.F.L.L. that stud!
Girl #2: You fuck horses?
by TJKona April 8, 2011
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