1 definition by Sodjosjsisjxndossos

The sexiest nigga alive. Really mean and has trouble showing his emotions but he does love. Waves and big brown eyes and kinda tall. A nigga with braces and a cute ass smile, really corny but it’s cute so you laugh. Always has a straight face and doesn’t talk to no one, but just know he listens and watches his surroundings. Does what he gotta do to gtfo of high school and become the most successful person he can be. Really skinny but not frail. Don’t involve in drama but is not pussy. Germaphobic And a clean freak, don’t play that getting sick shit, qaadon is never sick and takes care of himself to look the best he could. Really mean but honestly don’t think he is. Sarcastic asl and is sometimes never serious about the shit he says. So cute and doesn’t even think so. Thinks he’s ugly and isn’t at all. Keeps your secrets and is so trustworthy, the best type of boyfriend and bestfriend you can have. Freaky asl with a big ass dick, gives it to you right and would make you feel so good with some fire backshots. If you don’t have a qaadon in your life get one!
Omg that kid is packinnnn, he’s such a qaadon.
by Sodjosjsisjxndossos March 12, 2020
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