4 definitions by SayWhat...?

1. The noise people make when meditating

2. Oxygen Lovers Have Major Swimsuits

3. That thing Malik does.

4. Oprah's underground Book Club.

5. The food brand that is commonly known for Crispy Hexagons.
1. Sally: OLHMS

Jake: Stop meditating while your driving!

2. Oprah: Ok, today on my show, were talking about OLHMS!!!!!!! (Applause)

BonQuiQui: Girl, I don't need no OLHMS. Rude.

3. Malik: Dude, watch me olhms


4. Rose: Well, today were reading Juno Diaz..... Scandalousness!

Hazel: ooooh sooky sooky

5. Darla: I love to buy the Olhms brand of cereal because they have the best cereal in the world

Wayne: What cereal?

Darla: Why, Crispy Hexagons, of course!
by SayWhat...? May 4, 2011
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1. A woman who is a born leader.

2. Questioning Authority Inside Dumb Animals

3. A name for people who jaywalk.

4. Any piercing on your body.

5. (Verb) The result of hitting someone with a whipplestick
1. Pamela: She totally took over my project!

Steve: Wow, she is such a Qaida.

2. Jake: I just became a member of QAIDA!

3. Billy: I want to cross the street here!

Mom: Billy, don't be a Qaida. You know what happens when you pull a Qaida...

4. Nicki: What happened to your Qaida?

Alegra: Oh, I took it out. Trees kept getting caught on it.

5. Qaida: Ouch!

DJ: Dang, she just got Qaidad for sure!
by SayWhat...? May 4, 2011
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1. (Acronym) Wins All Nerd Dares Under Heat

2. A woman who is so fabulous, whose nails are always tricked out and whose style never goes out of fashion.

3. That chick Malik obsesses over.

4. Knower of all Hispanomerican terms

5. A noise that is high pitched and obnoxious, hoarsy, and gross.
1. Sarah: I just joined WANDUH

Jake: Ewww

2. Qaido: OMG WANDUH

Laura: Qaido, calm down.

3. Malik: Mmmmm Wanduh

4. Wanduh: perro, bolsa, mexico.

Jim: Really Wanduh?


PJ: Oh my gosh, Gertrude just Wanduhd
by SayWhat...? July 2, 2011
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A diva who is a pro at weaves and womens hair. She is the person that everyone gets their weave done at. She typically has a gaudy weave and long nails.
Stacy: Girl, where'd you get your weave at?

LaToya: Girl, you know only my weava diva do my hair. She lives on 5th street.
by SayWhat...? February 14, 2011
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