2 definitions by Sable5CrossesPotentOr

1. If A=B, and B=C, then A=C. Used in Geometry.

2. If Person A hooks up with Person B, and Person B hooks up with person C, person A has hooked up with person C. This property is hated by most high school/college age persons.

3. Definition 2, as a verb. To hook up with someone by the transitive property.
1. Angle XYZ is congruent to angle BAC by the transitive property.

2. I got with Dana yesterday, she got with Joe the day before... Now I've hooked up with Joe by the transitive property... damn.

3. We all unknowingly pulled a massive transitive property by hooking up with Julie.
by Sable5CrossesPotentOr December 15, 2008
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When man A hooks up with woman B, and woman B has hooked up with many more men than man A has women. Man A has now hooked up with more men than women by the transitive property, and is therefore Gay by the transitive property.
I hooked up with Kara, who has been with 150 men, now I am Gay by the Transitive property,
by Sable5CrossesPotentOr December 15, 2008
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