1 definition by Pewpewpew-Peppy

The alarming mixture of blood and fecal matter that are the after-effects of anal rape. Can also be the blood and sloughed uterine lining of a woman's period combined with fecal matter that occurs after being raped in both orifices with no pause in between.

A euphemism for a nasty, messy rape, typically anal, but also vaginal if the woman is in her menstrual cycle.

May also be used as a slur to describe a person who shoves their head so far up another's ass that when removed, is covered in copious amounts of blood and fecal matter.
"Damn, that poor bitch not only lost her job, they pulled a full DeSantis on her!"

"Donny better watch out, the moment he turns his back his closest supporters might bend him over and pull a DeSantis on him."

Ron's aspirations to become top dog were shattered after he pulled a full DeSantis on the Chairman. No one wanted to see that shit. It's a good thing his head was freakishly small, or he could've killed that guy!
by Pewpewpew-Peppy January 7, 2022
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