30 definitions by JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic

52 is a sexual number, much like 69, 89, and 818. 52 refers to sexual intercourse in which both parties are facing one-and-other; think of it as if the 5 and the 2 are humping each-other. There are also other numbers like 52, such as 22 (Anal sex), 62 (One-way oral sex), and 818 (Double titty fucking).
Fred: Hey! Guess what Tashira and I did last night?
Mike: What?
Fred: 52.
Mike: Nice.
Fred: It was so fucking hot! I came like three times!
by JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic December 12, 2021
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Sacred life orbs that squirt milk so that babies (and sexual partners) can suck on them.
Mike: I hate this quarantine, I wish there were titties I could suck on.
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A multiple of 89 and 780.

The act of performing simultaneous oral sex (69) while hitting a bong. (420)
Person 1: Hey, did you know that 69420 is a multiple of 89?
Person 2: 89? What's that?
Person 1: Titty fucking.

Person 2: Oh, right. Titty fucking is nice. Wait.... 69420 is a multiple of 89?

Person 1: Yes. 89 x 13 = 1157 x 6 = 6942 x 10 obviously = 69420. Weren't you paying attention in math class?

Person 2: 69 is nice, 420 is nice, and so is 89. So if 69420 is a multiple of 89, that makes it triple nice!

Catholic: But it's also a multiple of 13. So it's unholy. The preachers weren't lying when they said sex and drugs were evil.
Person 2: Fuck off, catholic!

Catholic: Alright then. Good luck burning in hell....
Person 1: YOU go burn in hell!

Catholic: I can't. God will grant me my worthy place in heaven.
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Someone who tries to cause as much drama and havoc as they possibly can purely for their own entertainment. A chaos whore will do almost anything to cause chaos in their nearby environment depending on how bored they are; they will destroy friendships, ruin lives, and burn down nations simply for the thrill of the drama it creates. Chaos whores will go as far as to lie, steal, cheat, kill, and sabotage just to entertain themselves. Stay safe out there, folks!
Zack: Did you hear the rumors?
Ellen: What rumors?
Zack: That Jack killed Tashira!
Ellen: And who told you that?
Zack: Kevin, he said Jack told him he did it.
Ellen: You believed Kevin? That fucking chaos whore lies all the time!
by JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic October 11, 2021
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When two family members of the opposite gender have sex, resulting in the creation of a tyrant.

When you do it with your sibling of the opposite gender, your child will most certainly become a tyrant or live a life of suffering. Adolf Hitler was inbred, his dad fucked his niece, resulting in an incarnation of evil. Caillou is also inbred, he screams constantly at the littlest things and is just a general bitch, I mean why the fuck else would his parents names rhyme? If you do it with your cousin, there`s only a 50% chance it will be a piece of shit. Porn always features incest, somehow people find it hot, therefore, it is the fault of the porn industry that incest has become ever more prevalent! Even the bible (the biggest piece of horse shit in the galaxy) is against inbreeding!
Kevin: Oh god! What are Jack and Ellen doing in there? They`re siblings!
*Kevin bursts the door open*
Jack: Kevin, what the fuck? We were having sex!!
Kevin: I`ll tell you what the fuck, you guys are doing incest!
Ellen: So?
Jack: Yeah, people do it in porn, so it`s perfectly fine!
Kevin: You trust that shit?
Jack: Yes, of course I do!
*Jack and Ellen keep fucking each other*
Jack: I`m cumming! Uuuuuuuuuuuuunnhhhh!!!
*9 months later*
Ellen: Let`s name him..... Caillou...

*Disclaimer: I do not condone incest or inbreeding, inbreeding can be very dangerous for you and the child, you don`t want your child to become like Hitler or Caillou after all.
by JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic January 17, 2021
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A dongademon is a humanoid monster with a large penis, their cocks can be very long, perhaps ordinary looking at first, but their erections can be long, like from 7 meters to a staggering 10 thousand kilometers! Their cocks are hard but flexible and can move around like a snake. A dongademon's dick will not be penetrated by anything weaker than steel, this feature can be used for swordfighting. Dongademons can ejaculate on command and really powerful ones can shoot fire, ice and lightning out of their dicks. Extremely powerful, horny, rock hard perverted dongademons can conjure anything out of their cocks, those dongademons are very rare and are usually the leaders of a dongademon group. Every dongademon is different and there are unlimited possibilities of what powers a dongademon`s cock can possess.

(Inspired by the definition: donga)
Ellen: Oh Jack! Your cock is so huge!
Jack: I know, and I would fuck you all day and make a porno out of you and...
Ellen: Wait, Jack, it hurts! IT HURTS!!! AAAAAGH!!!
Jack (slightly more demonic voice): Holy fuck, what`s happening to my cock? It`s like 2 meters long and 4 inches thick!
Ellen: Oh... fuck...
Jack: *gets really horny*
Ellen: runs away
Jack: *thinks: why am I so horny*
*blast of cum knocks Jack off his feet*
Jack: what was that?
Dongademon (higher pitched voice): Greetings, I am Evilcock, I am a dongademon!
Jack: What`s a dongademon?
Evilcock: A dongademon is someone with a giant cock with superpowers who is really horny.
Jack: So I must be a dongademon then.
Evilcock: Yes, you are, now cum to my mansion, I will show you what it means to be a dongademon.
by JustAnotherSickFuckOnUrbanDic January 20, 2021
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Kevin: Well... I`ve really never masturbated before...
Ellen: Come on! Give it a whirl!

Misunderstanding at it`s finest!!
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