18 definitions by Joe_Schmuck

An adult male vocalist who has pretty much an unbroken voice- (whereas, most blokes' voices break at puberty), and who, as a result of this failure to lose his "baby voice" at puberty, remains able to sing in the vocal tessituras- (ranges, to the non-singer), of the female Alto, Mezzo-soprano, and very occasionally, Soprano, without having to resort to the use of Falsetto- (false voice.)
True Countertenors are a very rare thing. Most blokes who think they're Countertenors are actually Falsettists, who sing in the Countertenor registers, using Falsetto- (false voice.)
by Joe_Schmuck February 1, 2017
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A cute nickname what my girlfriend and I call one another pretty much constantly.
by Joe_Schmuck June 20, 2022
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A slightly dated Jewish expression of anger, disgust, dismay or frustration, literally meaning "I don't want to live to see tomorrow!"- (probably pretty much equivalent to something along the lines of "For fuck's sake!") I first heard this expression being used by my now, ex-girlfriend's stepmum.
"Oy vey! I can't believe she's invited that prat round here again! Kill me tonight!"
by Joe_Schmuck September 9, 2018
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The most comfortable and easily reached part of a singer's vocal-range, and the part of their range in which, they sound the best. A singer's sweet spot's also the part of their vocal-range in which they're least likely to strain their voices and damage their vocal-cords while they're singing.
I'm a high Baritone, who's able to sing all the way up from G2 in full-voice to A5 in Falsetto, but my sweet spot lies somewhere between about C4 and F5 in me Falsetto range.
by Joe_Schmuck December 17, 2016
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The most comfortable and easily reached part of a singer's vocal-range, and the part of their range in which, they sound the best. A singer's sweet spot's also the part of their vocal-range in which they're least likely to strain their voices and damage their vocal-cords while they're singing.
I'm a high Baritone, who's able to sing all the way up from G2 in full-voice to A5 in Falsetto, but my sweet spot lies somewhere between about C4 and F5 in me Falsetto range.
by Joe_Schmuck December 18, 2016
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A word that many people- (me included, I hasten to add), often try and hide behind, in order to pretend that they couldn't care less about someone or something, when in reality, it's absolutely tearing them apart inside, because they care a lot more than they wish they did and a hell of a lot more than they're willing to admit that they care. This word's often said while fighting back the tears with all the bloody strength you can possibly muster, in my humble experience.
Girl one: "Aww, babe! I'm so sorry you and Ben broke up last night."

Girl two: "Whatever!"
by Joe_Schmuck October 22, 2017
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An adult male singer who's lucky enough to have the deep, dark, robust timbre- (vocal sound-quality, to the non-singer), of a Baritone- (the middle adult blokes' vocal-range), combined with the range of a second or low Tenor- (the second highest, natural adult blokes' vocal-range), while also, still retaining their own, natural Baritone vocal-range, and who, as a result of possessing this very rare vocal-range, is able to sing in both the Tenor AND the Baritone tessituras, or ranges, to the non-singer- (more often than not, equally as well, equally as easily, and with no significant problems, while singing in either range!)
Well-known Baritenors included Freddie Mercury and Elvis Presley. Both of these two artists could sing equally as well in the Tenor AND Baritone ranges.
by Joe_Schmuck February 1, 2017
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