39 definitions by JaneGordon.com

Blaming "Cancel Culture" and playing the victim when someone gets blowback for doing or saying something awful, hurtful, and/or upsetting.
We all make mistakes, and it's liberating to own them, apologize, grow, and learn to be a better person. So why does everyone on Fox shame-flation responses to their bile and play the victim by blaming Cancel Culture?

Everyone has a first amendment right to say what they want, and everyone has a first amendment right to answer crappy things with anything from gentle criticism to harsh blowback.
by JaneGordon.com March 21, 2022
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To learn if someone is lying or telling the truth, lead them down a verbal path ending in asking them to swear on their future orgasms, because no one will risk that if they are lying!

It works like this... instruct the person saying "Repeat after me" then have them repeat phrase by phrase...you say:
"I Swear"
(They repeat)
"I am telling the truth that (fill in the blank)"
(They repeat)
"and if I did not (fill in the blank)"
(They repeat)
"I will never"
(They repeat)
"have another"
(They repeat)
"orgasm in my life"
First, they are going to laugh. If they are lying, they will never never never repeat that last phrase. If they are telling the truth they do!
When John finally told me he loved me, I walked him through the swear.... he said it!

I squealed "OMG John, if you're willing to swear on your orgasm, it must be really true! And I love love love you, too."
by JaneGordon.com March 10, 2023
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Unsmelly: A person or thing that does not have an odor
As soon as John left I missed him. Knowing that smells trigger memories and good feelings I got his t-shirt out of the hamper to wear, but he is so unsmelly that nothing changed. Fooey.... still missing him!
by JaneGordon.com January 12, 2023
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When places that should be packed with people are seemly peaceful but very uncomfortably quiet.
The covid-quiet, peaceful streets here in the heart of New York city are a bit upsetting, and depressing. This is Columbus Circle - we need our tourists, shoppers, locals, businesses, gawkers, buskers, artists, and everyone making noise and a big, fun mess!
by JaneGordon.com July 28, 2020
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When someone is just being irrationally stubborn for no reason, but they are still adorably lovable.
John was being a John-jerk and insisting he was right (he wasn't), but I just love him too much to take the bait and fight, so I am happy to be the blame-eater.
by JaneGordon.com April 4, 2023
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When such crap is spoken that the only polite response is to hand the speaker toilet paper.
When I watch and listen to the Republican Debates, it is one giant ASS WHOLE where such crap comes out of their mouths that the only polite response is to send toilet paper.
by JaneGordon.com November 18, 2015
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