33 definitions by HappyCleaner82

A vulgar term used to refer to the perineum, the area between the genitals and the anus, often utilized by people with a disgusting sense of humor or limited regards for others' dignity and privacy.
I bet he's so dirty, even his parryneum is crawling with bacteria and filth.
by HappyCleaner82 June 3, 2023
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The act of achieving the perfect golden-brown tan, usually during a hot summer day or after spending time sunbathing on a beach vacation. This glorious hue showcases healthy, glowing skin that appears both natural and well-maintained. Having a "Proper Brown" is often a point of pride for those who successfully achieve it.
After spending a week on a tropical getaway, Karen came back sporting a Proper Brown, making all her coworkers jealous of her sun-kissed glow.

"Wow, Sarah, you've achieved a Proper Brown after spending all day at the beach!"
"Thanks, I feel so bronzed and fabulous!"
by HappyCleaner82 June 24, 2023
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An irrational fear of proper grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling in written or spoken language.
Jane's grammaphobia prevented her from proofreading her essay, as the sight of perfectly structured sentences caused her immense anxiety.
by HappyCleaner82 June 5, 2023
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The fear of poorly written or confusing text messages.
Every time Sam receives an autocorrected and jumbled text from his friends, his illygibbophobia kicks in and he starts feeling extremely anxious until he's able to decipher their message.
by HappyCleaner82 June 5, 2023
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The act of engaging in incompetently stupid or unnecessary actions, resulting in confusion, annoyance, or catastrophe, simply to fuck with others.
Did you see John trying to juggle flaming dildos at the party last night? Total dinglefuckery, man.
by HappyCleaner82 June 5, 2023
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A gentle, floral breeze that fills the air with the delightful, natural scent of blossoming flowers.
As she walked through the botanical gardens, Emma closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, intoxicated by the soothing florimel that surrounded her.
by HappyCleaner82 June 3, 2023
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A simultaneous cocktail of shit, piss, and jizz explosively ejected upon one's partner during an outrageously raunchy orgy, usually as a result of excessive laughter or surprise.
Dude, last night was wild. I accidentally 2145'd all over Stacy when Tom fell off the bed in the middle of our sexcapade!
by HappyCleaner82 June 5, 2023
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