51 definitions by GUESS

The Demon Knights are a group that started out in the transformer Fanbase on the internet. Unwittingly they helped lay the seeds for the "counter culture" with in that fanbase. The Counter culture being those that wish to just have fun with others of the same interests and not feel as restricted as they are at the "big sites", though not just mere spammers, they are a tight knit group that really pulls together when need is there, but otherwise feel free enough to be themselves and not conform to any "standard" of what a poster should be. They have their own website, and seem to be welcomed for their quasi-celebery on the smaller sites in the fandom.
by GUESS August 11, 2003
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that stupid zack kid at skool
zShort is a wining loser with no friends
by GUESS November 6, 2003
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Your a fud
"Fuji is a fud"
by GUESS June 26, 2004
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n. that yellow ooze at the end of a dog's dick, often surrounded by gnats
Dude, your dog just licked off his gnat butter.
by GUESS January 13, 2005
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i'm from beekman new york, its about 10 miles from the shithole known as poughkeepsie. i go to a school where all the black kids act ghetto and say "whatup nigga" but live in 700,000 dollar houses. upstate is boring and is where most of the criminal activity in the state goes down. if you ever come to dutchess county stay away from poughkeepsie not because its dangerous
( except in the section 8 project developments, which strangly make up the whole city), because the hookers on main street and washington boulevard suck dick like retarded todlers. just a heads up.
kid from beekman: i'm from beekman, where are you from b'otch.

kid from po-town: i'm from poughkeepsie, word nugga that shyte's mad gangsta....wuuut

kid from beekman: thats it, i'm getting the mafia
by GUESS November 5, 2004
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like whats the have? the common retard uses this. only this slaughter of the english language is a bastardization of a popular black phrase refered to as mother fucker. or to fuck ones mother. which by the way is incest. only "mother what what" is used commonly by retarded six year old boys mimicking "shaft" only in fear of getting slapped by their over weight drunk fathers they replace the profane word fuck with the words commonly used by half deaf people. those words being "what what". only the deaf have the right to say "what what" because lets face it they can't fuckin here you. also "mother what what" is used by child molesters and fags like elton john. i don't know if elton john has ever used the words "mother what what" but i'm going to assume he has...because he's a fag.
some kid: hey frankie wanna go play transformers and when we're done play i'll show you mine and you show me yours

some other kid: sounds like a sweet deal. lets go brotha.

some kid: lets do this MOTHER WHAT WHAT

me: OH MY GOD you little faggot. why don't u lay down on the autobahn. and die.
by GUESS April 18, 2004
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