3 definitions by Dec_92

is a word that u can use if u dont remember the appropriate word
"she is a total fillapio"
by Dec_92 March 28, 2007
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doesn't actually mean anything, use when you don't have a clue what somone is telling you
Bob: " Here did you see the game last night" " what a goal by gerrard, tell me you seen it?"
You: "err..."
"aye it was similiar to the sukimacraki last tuesday",
" of course i seen it"
by Dec_92 February 10, 2007
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when a trick is playd on a friend or colleague. if fallen for the result of the trick can b called "1-0" as u r winnin the game u hav introduced ur friend to. this can result in a game due to bordem throughout day or week. this does not need to b used as a game but can b used for comical purposes.

© of lochaber high school 4th yrs
culprits: "no way......" pointing into the open space
victim: "What!!!!"
(laughing) "wayhay....."1-0"....."
victim: "watchout"
(laughing stops) culprits turn round
victim pauses: "1-1"
by Dec_92 January 16, 2008
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