5 definitions by C-Dubs

When a male is holding himself from peeing.
I had three beers in an hour, and now it's right at the tip of the iceberg.
by C-Dubs October 31, 2007
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Usually used in office settings by someone who is in the midst of performing monotonous tasks for several hours at a time.

A way to reference your current situation at work when you're bored out of your mind.
Please keep me occupied. I'm the chairman of the bored today at work.
by C-Dubs November 5, 2007
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Usually used in office settings by someone who is in the midst of performing monotonous tasks for several hours at a time.

A way to reference your current situation at work when you're bored out of your mind.
Please keep me occupied. I'm the chairman of the bored today at work.
by C-Dubs November 5, 2007
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A play-on "Happy Halloween", but directed to or referencing teenagers and twentysomethings that increasingly dress slutty and skanky.
Wow, look at her in that skirt. Herpe Whorelloween to her.
by C-Dubs November 1, 2007
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When there is a personal or work controversy, just add "gate" at the end to dramatize it, similar to Janet Jackson's boob-gate during the Super Bowl.
I'm sorry about (fill-in-the-blank)-gate today at our meeting. I don't know why everyone had to make comments about you. It was entirely inappropriate.
by C-Dubs October 31, 2007
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