16 definitions by Anonymous938743

I'm suing Pizza Hut because they put BIGBLACK on my receipt instead of my name! Yeah, sure, I'm a big black guy, but I will still sue because I'm insecure!
by Anonymous938743 November 1, 2010
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A member of the pandimensional alien race from the VR game Cosmonious High.
Speks: What's a Trisk? (giggle) Well, we're pandimensional beings who defy physics, space, and, when we get old enough, time! You're seeing me in three dimensions, but I see you in like, all of them!
by Anonymous938743 April 16, 2022
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What some buggy websites have instead of an apostrophe.
“I‚Äôm sorry, I cannot remotely access your computer. I‚Äôll have to inform your local IT team to come and resolve this problem. It‚Äôs 6am in your location and IT starts at 7am. They will come and fix it in an hour.”
by Anonymous938743 February 7, 2010
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A test of cognitive ability often given to special-ed students. It's funny because its entire name consists of three slang terms for the penis.
A: "I have to take the Woodcock-Johnson test of achievement."
B: *giggles*
by Anonymous938743 July 20, 2010
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An application for the iPhone which costs $999.99 USD and does nothing but display a picture of a glowing red ruby and some text:

"I am rich
I deserv it sic

I am good,
healthy &
OMG did you see the new application for the iPhone that costs a thousand bucks? It's called "I Am Rich!" I'm gonna get it! IPHONE RULEZ!!!
by Anonymous938743 August 12, 2008
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