Ivy had walked through into her gfs home, her needing to desperately go to the bathroom. Her gf, Rain had moved over to her, pinning her to the wall. "...R..rain?" Ivy had said, shivering, Rain had slowly unbuttoned Ivys shirt, her squeezing her tits. Ivy had moaned, them locking the door and taking off their clothes. Ivy still needing to go, slightly leaked and Rain knew what was going on. She had gone under Ivy, squeezing her bladder. Ivy didn't let it go yet, but she wanted to. Ivy moaned, while Rain kept squeezing her bladder. Ivy moaned, letting half of it go, with a full bladder she had only let go half, and then Rain had pinned her down on the ground, her fingers going into Ivys pussy. Ivy moaned, Rains fingers growing damp. Ivy let it all go on the third squeeze, cumming, moaning as she did so. Rain had giggled, her getting kinky and horny. She licked Ivys clit, and Ivy moaned, their roommate coming in. Ivy and Rain had pulled her in as she was quite close to them, taking off her shirt and both of them rubbing her tits and rubbing her clit. Their roommate moaned, some cum squirting out onto Rains fingers. Rain had licked her wet pussy clean, sticking her fingers in deeper. Slower, then faster out of the blue. The roommate had developed cum rain, and it squirted all over, not stopping, while the roommate moaned. Rain had crouched back as the roommate looked at her. "Your turn, sweetie..." The roommate said, rubbing her delicious clit and rubbing her soft large tits.
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Discord mod: "i love you e-girl"
e-girl on discord: "aww thats so sweet boo aha" *looks like the gif below just boy version*
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please dont die i care about you if you need help im here, you can talk to me.
no one wants u to die
no one wants u to go to hell
no one wants u to.. do anything like that.
im here
if you need support, i can show my discord acc.
(the name and description is a troll) (ON DISCORD)(NOT HERE)
just copy it,
and heres some suicide hotlines if you need them

Argentina: +5402234930430

Australia: 131114

Austria: 017133374

Belgium: 106

Botswana: 3911270

Brazil: 212339191

Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal)

China: 85223820000

Croatia: 014833888

Denmark: +4570201201

Egypt: 7621602

Finland: 040-5032199

France: 0145394000

Germany: 08001810771

Holland: 09000767

India: 8888817666

Ireland: +4408457909090

Italy: 800860022

Japan: +810352869090

Mexico: 5255102550

New Zealand: 045861048

Norway: +4781533300

Philippines: 028969191

Poland: 5270000

Russia: 0078202577577

Spain: 914590050

South Africa: 0514445691

Sweden: 46317112400

Switzerland: 143

United Kingdom: 08457909090

USA: 18002738255
*sigh* "its time." *searches up how to die on urban dictionary*
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Hell is waking up early and staring at a chalkboard for 6 hours at traditional school, hell is also staring at your computer for 3 or more hours because of online classes, and heaven is waking up late (like 12 am or 1 pm) and watching your phone freely without any homework or distractions.
"Hell is school, heaven is weekends, that's the difference between hell and heaven."
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This type of girl uses "u","ur" and "r" for "are" also tries to be quirky by typing lIkE tHiS.
Also tries to get a boyfriend occasionally, but ends up not getting the boyfriend and they block her, and she doesn't know why when she literally said "ur so hot be my boyyyy omg I bet u r so pretty daddy *insert creepy emoji cause I'm on PC and i don't know how to enable emojis*" She's also a pick-me girl when at school or high school.
"Seriously, that girl is the average 14-13 year old girl on discord , She's just so.. creepy when she wants a boyfriend on discord."
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