19 definitions by A Little Pinprick

Paris Hilton is rich and famous because her dad worked his ass off!

It's true that you can become rich without trying, ask Eric Bauman!
by A Little Pinprick August 7, 2006
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A 23-minute epic by psychadelic act Pink Floyd. It's featured on their 1971 album Meddle and is considered by fans the point in which they found the sound they were best known for in albums like The Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here. It takes up the entire b-side of the album. Also the title of their greatest hits album Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd (The song is featured on that compilation but is shortened to only thirteen minutes).
You haven't heard Pink Floyd until you've heard Echoes.
by A Little Pinprick August 26, 2006
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A video game console with all sorts of shiny new features such as Blu-Ray players, shimmering pewter controllers, Spider-man text, an analog light that's twice as bright as the PS2's, and maybe a new button or two.

However, it's really expensive (600-700 dollars) which really turns me off about the whole thing, and I'm probably gonna get a nice new Nintendo Wii unless Sony can come to their senses.
Little Johnny:"Osh-Gosh B-GOSH, what console should I get? The PS3, the Xbox 360, or the nice new Nintendo Wii?"
Little Billy:"The PS3 has a really bright analog light and Spider-man text, go get that"
Little Johnny:"Wow! What a bright light! Oh man...it's really expensive..."
Little Billy:"Then maybe you should get an Xbox 360. It's got a super green ring of light that lights up in a certain way depending on your console's orientation!"
Little Johnny:"But Bill Gates own about fifty-five crystal toilet seats from the profit he's made! That's enough to put fifty-five toilet seats on one toilet!"
Little Billy:"Okay, behind Nintendo's curtain is a nice new Wii! It's really tiny and the promotional concept picture has a floating disc!"
Little Johnny:"Cool! I'll get that! Those people are having so much fun throwing their bodies around with that futuristic controller they got thar!"
Little Billy:"Way to go, Little Johnny!"

by A Little Pinprick August 7, 2006
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A popular phrase that originates from BIG RIGS: OVER THE ROAD RACING. Another form of it can be used as an adjective: WINNER.
1: Wow! This game, BIG RIGS: OVER THE ROAD RACING, is so WINNER! With its WINNER graphics, physics, soundtrack, difficulty, and gameplay!

by A Little Pinprick August 7, 2006
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A drawing of an innocent rabbit saying rather mean things. A big hit with the girls because it must be anoter one of those cryptic things they like to say to be "cool," despite making absolutely no sense.

It's not very clever nor funny.
"Oh, look, Happy Bunny. It's saying 'I'd love you, but right now I hate you.' That's...cute...I guess..."
by A Little Pinprick July 14, 2006
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