36 definitions by ????^_^????

A sterotype created to demonize Liberals. This term is mostly used when a unpopular war is occuring.
Don't listen to the fools that call you a hippie liberal douche bag, they clearly don't know what they are saying.
by ????^_^???? October 23, 2006
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A sterotype created to demonize Liberals. This term is mostly used when a unpopular war is occuring.
Don't listen to the fools that call you a hippie liberal douche bag, they clearly don't know what they are saying.
by ????^_^???? October 23, 2006
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A Neo Con who claims to be dedicated to preventing wastfull budget spending, but only ends up increasing the Nation debt. They also tend to like cutting social programs for the poor,give the Rich a free ride. Support of Plutocracy.
I wish I never voted for Bush, he only ended up being a Deficon.
by ????^_^???? October 9, 2006
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A hard core fan of music that is licenced by Tofu Records.
Jpop/Jrock fan.

Based of the Term Deadhead
As Bob look at the Jpop CDs he had, he couldn't help but think that he had become a Tofuhead.
by ????^_^???? October 7, 2006
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An Anti-child Legistlation that seeks to undermine public schools by slashing their funding. This idea came in responce at the failed attempt by the Far-Right to replace schools with voucher programs.
65% Solution will undermine our childrens education and allow us to fall further behind" Bob said in front of the school commitee.
by ????^_^???? November 5, 2006
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The movement created by the conservative group Student for Academic Freedom that seeks censore teachers who don't agree with their political, moral, and religious, points of view.
Please Note: Students for Academic Freedom does not call or associated there political movement with this name.
As of 2006 the Students for Academic Freedom began The Global War Against Teachers as well and Academic/Intellectual freedom.
by ????^_^???? November 15, 2006
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The attempted to by Conservatives and Liberals to lable the other as being elitist. Both sides fail to recognize the fact that there elitist on both sides of the political spectrum.
The debate about the Conservative and Liberal elite is the reason why the Elitist Paradox exist.
by ????^_^???? October 10, 2006
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