When the autism levels are so high it becomes a new stage of pure cringe and embarrassment.

A parody of the racing game series 'Gran Turismo'
1: This furry convention is on a new level of autism

2: i know it's Gran Autismo in here
by Dr Mantis Toboggan October 10, 2016
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The race between the kids making racecar noises in the hallways and his wranglers.
Student 1: Dude, who the hell is making that racecar noise outside?
Student 2: Oh, that's just the special ed kids trying to avoid being taken back to class by their wranglers. Gran Autismo, you know?
by BananaChicken22 December 15, 2021
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when you six retarted kids naruto running down the hall makeing racecar noises
by Cumnygget August 21, 2019
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