A kidnapping in a TESLA or other EV for the purpose of DATA EXTRACTION.



CHARLES THOMAS MUNGER WARREN EDWARD BUFFETT...IS THAT SO? " YOU HAVE TO BE BRAINDEAD TO BUY CRYPTOCURRENCY "...( well over 500,000 people at least are , so you have a point!!!!!

.288 IS a great example of RACKETEERS...TIERS...TEARS and how they abuse the LAW by breaking it through using RICO

Let's get this wizard ANAL ALAN and PUMP N DUMP free information as well as FUCK HIM SILLY and we then dump them totally NAKED where they are left to TACTICAL SPOON and FREEZE his funding

The reason it is done is from the COLD SECTOR as the PUMP N DUMP is to get intelligence and then push it out to the media which many restaurants and other businesses as well as law enforcement utilizing RICO LAW BREAKING . The goal is to SANCTION NEGATIVELY THE INDIVIDUUALS AND GROUPS responsible for the RACKETEERING(...TIERING)(....TEARING)as payed off to cover up CRYPTOCURRENCY scams and casino entertainment scams as well as block GRAND JURY INDICTMENTS of large pivotal corporations who are guilty of court settlement FRAUD INVOLVING MURDER AND SERIAL MURDER AS WELL AS KIDNAPPINGS with BLACKMAIL and PRISON CONFINEMENT/MEMTAL HOSPITAL CONFINEMENT (for the opposers to cover up massive wrongdoings)and abuse of the courts by using LITIGIOUS NUSSANCE LAWSUITS to waste court time and squander resources of the governing bodies where this is in no way EXHAUSTIVE in how RICO is illegally practiced .

by SHITEATERSHITEATER February 2, 2022
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When a man has his gentleman tackle cupped and his rod tugged by another person, whether of the same sex or the opposite. Can be performed as a solo act, however is frowned upon.
Mathew: "Damien i would greatly appreciate a cup n tug!"

Damien: "Well present the goods, i cant let you do it yourself as that is frowned upon"
by Tadpole_F_Ucker January 28, 2011
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Ali n I is a loving caring person, with a touch of angry,scared and curiosity. But he is always trying his best to help who he can
by Alexanda k February 27, 2019
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Whereas a modern web software application has separate layers for presentation (user interface), business logic, and storage etc. (because modular construction is easier to build and debug) it is usually called an "n-tier architecture", where n represents the number of modules or layers. It is much more secure and robust than the "old way" (1-tier), where one machine was the web server, file server, database, and firewall. A program which has illogical or insufficient rules (i.e. absence of business logic) can be termed "(n-1) tier", as a crucial part (usually the part that makes the software smart or helpful) has obviously been omitted by scatterbrained developers, detached managers, clueless requirements analysts, dumb pilot members, etc.
Employee A: Did you submit your travel costs yet?
Employee B: No, our stupid online expense system kept giving me a cryptic error.
Employee A: Yup, that EOM app is an (n-1) tier system...

Boss: I need you to fix your time charges for last week. You entered 45 hours instead of 4.5 hours on Wednesday.
Subject: Must've been a fat-finger. Too bad our accounting system can't catch that obvious error. It's just another (n-1) tier waste of code.
by k3for June 3, 2010
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the 2 dick sucks and glazers
“Yo julian u hurd about Roman n Andrew??”

“Yes bro they be ds
by grevoscar122 April 4, 2022
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The act of eating spicy Mexican food, waiting a duration and then defecating on your partner’s breast followed by sexual intercourse with said breast. If done correctly, the surface will be quite slippery and also spicy enough to burn your pee hole.
After eating Mexican Food, Johnny and Carla were feeling frisky. Carla asked Johnny to give her a Mexican Slip N' Slide . So he shit on her tits and fucked them. The burn in his pee hole didn’t stop him from finishing.
by RegD432 December 12, 2019
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2 Chicks that will allow me to demonstrate for a large audience, firstly, The Zombie Mask, and then, as quickly as I can muster another full on chubby, Wolfbagging
Ash 'n Flick messaged me on MySpace to say that they wanted me to Wolfbag and Zombie Mask them in front of her friends as they weren't sure what it meant and she couldn't describe adequately. I quickly finished my Daily Dirty Sanchez with Sasha before fulfilling my obligations.
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