Saying "sexy time is on" w/o using words.
In a bar...
girl : wink! wink!

dude1 : dude! did you see that?!
dude2: damn! thats my coital clearance bro!
by etomack`girl July 27, 2010
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referring to hoes. as if they’re on sale bc they’ve been used.
person 1: “they’re on the clearance rack”
person 2: “of fr bro? nvm then”
by midarpa August 8, 2022
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Strolling through the streets of New Orleans following a hurricane with the sole intent of collecting plastic bead necklaces from past Mardi Gras festivals that have been knocked from the trees by the storm
"Hey, would y'all do me a favor and help repair all this damage to my roof and windows?"
"No, sorry. I was kinda planning on a Mardi Gras Clearance Sale before all the good bead necklaces get taken or thrown away"
by Captain Useless August 31, 2012
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To have a shit and a wank in the same sitting. Also known as a '147'
I was bored at work so I went to the toilet for a full clearance.
by Matty STew July 28, 2022
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the act of shopping at retail stores with the sole purpose of finding items that have been greatly discounted by being put on clearance sale. Some buyers set clearly defined rules for clearancing, such as only buying items that are at least 50% - 75% off the original retail price. While not always the case, it's not uncommon for someone clearancing to buy items they don't really need, but will purchase because it is "such a great deal".
"You won't believe the great deal I found while clearancing today - a $30 purse for only $7.50!"

"I know I don't have a fish, but I just couldn't pass up the .25 cent fish food I found while clearancing today."

"My eBay store is filled with clothes I've picked while clearancing."
by brandiev December 28, 2009
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Rina Pressly talks for 1 hour straight and as a whole we don't do shit.
The Lonestar Region Calendar Clearance was absolutely fucking awful. You've gotta be shitting my dick.
by kbeast123 February 1, 2023
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1. Strange name.Given to special males who are lovely,generous,kind,funny, and mostly tolerant.

2. A name given to intelligent males
I couldn't believe he said his name was clearance
by heisclearance February 2, 2020
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