What stupid people say to others when they get called out for being mean.
Person 1: hey what you did to me was not okay please leave me alone

Person 2: go kill yourself
by idk......000 April 12, 2020
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''Never come back to the internet again'' in Internet language
normie: wow thats so rood >;( im going totally going to report 4chon now
random lurker: kill yourself
by gerururu April 1, 2016
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To kill yourself in a swift manner in order to prevent you from annoying anyone else
n00b:Hay their budy!

Extremely l33t guy:Learn how to spell,then kill yourself immediately!
by Jimmy Cracka March 14, 2005
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mcfucking kill yourself is a high quality roast and it means kill yourself from diabetes which is quite harsh but a fucking quality roast
Guy 1: bro your shoes are fucking shit
Guy 2: mcfucking kill yourself
Guy 1: *ties noose around neck and jumps*
by minecraftderp69 February 25, 2017
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