Most commonly heard during a game of poker, this is when a player gets angry and it affects his play in a negative way.
a) Andy Sapiro raised and then was reraised, causing him to go tilt pre-flop.

b) Andy Sapiro went slow-rolled Josh Pollitz with pocket aces and was outdrawn on the river, causing him to go on tilt.
by Mark Ortega March 17, 2006
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Commonly felt during games; The feeling you get when you feel the need to strangle the life out of someone in front of you for doing or saying something so stupid. Also the feeling you get when you feel the urge to reach through the screen and murder whoever is on the other side.
"I get so fucking tilted whenever I die first despite getting the first fucking shot off. FUCK!"
by Tiltlord November 21, 2017
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When something has you so disturbed and violated that you are shook
This bitch has me so tilted
by Byn ben sempai sama x February 18, 2017
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Usually caused by long exposure to videogames. Espesically competitive games. When you get slightly mad and neck may hurt due to leaning towards the computer desk.
Fuck. I was Playing Genji and this fucking winston killed me 3 times in a row. I got tilted after that and contributed nothing to the team after that.
by YoungWrapper September 8, 2016
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"Something doesn't feel right, usually I dominate with Fox in Smash. I must be on tilt."
by Leffen July 27, 2015
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Annoy or frustrate
Those fat chicks on The View tilt me so much
by macsk March 22, 2009
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A commonly used term in lacrosse meaning how low your helmet sits on your hear. No tilt means u look out of the middle or even lowest gap. Mad tilt means you look out of the top gap.
yo bro my tilt game is twice yours.
by laxin... February 12, 2009
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