Perez Hilton (Mario Lavandeira),Cuban american , blogger/ celeberty, he is a homosexual who refers himself as a queen. he blogs about gossip and about stardum and his life. he is annyoing and obnauxious. He discualified Miss California for saying that she dosent agree with gay another insident he got punched by Will IAM's body guard for pestering Will IAM from black eye peas. he also guest stared in nicolodian's victorious show with victoria justice.
Perez Hilton is a duce and a prick and he is a disgrace to us cubans everywere
Perez Hilton= prick,ass hole jerk, anoying
by baka kuso yaro March 18, 2011
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pErEZ HiLtOn=the biggest pedo on tiktok
sad to say but yes check his acc he simps over charli to much and ye.
Lola-Hey did u guys see Perez Hiltons recent post about charli?
Zack-Yes, i did and i think he is the biggest pedo out there!
by The Unkown Bad Bitch May 21, 2020
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One strange man that needs to be banned off tik tok. He is a creep and I must have been living under a rock because him and Paris Hilton are not related what so ever.
" Paris and Perez Hilton are not related"
by mushroomsareadisgrace May 3, 2020
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A Flammin Homo faggot ass queer bait sissy
boy who is jealous of beautiful women, and
needs to be locked up in prison and gang raped repeatly by big hairy men.
Hey..look! There goes that Homo
Perez Hilton holdin' hands with his faggot
ass boy friend wearing a miss usa crown.
Let's go cripple them queery bastards!
by streetwhiz April 26, 2009
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A huge fag, That I check everytime I'm on the computer, I also have him booked marked on my phone because I love celeb gossip and this fat fag is aparently the only person that will give it to you.
Lindsey: Did you check out people about that Nicole Richie scandal?

Lauren: Hell no. They just print the celeb-rep's story. Bitch I go to Perez Hilton
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The point where a celebrity has become famous enough to have their own category in Perez Hilton's online archive.
Girl 1- "Zachary Quinto is going to get so famous because of Star Trek."
Girl 2- "Yeah, he has already been Perez-Hiltoned!"

Girl 1- "Carrie Prejean is getting so much press these days. She's a real dumbass."
Girl 2- "Yeah but she's such a dumbass that Perez refuses to Perez-Hilton her!"
by greasy_broad May 22, 2009
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A creepy child molester that has somehow not gotten his platform taken away from him.
Did you see what Perez Hilton posted on his TikTok last night?
Yea sis that man is a real freak.
by iwergfneirqwjijsmxuweghwi4jper November 21, 2020
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