dark humor is a way of telling jokes that may seem problematic/horrific/rude to some individuals.
it does NOT include: racism, homophobia, sexism, r@pe jokes, etc.

if you make/you laugh at "jokes" containing listed things you are a bad person and you're trying to justify it.
Person #1: Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a few hours. Set a man on fire, and he will be warm for the rest of his life.
Person #2: HAHAHA!


Person #3: I was r@ped by a group of mimes. They did unspeakable things to me.
Person#4: Bro... that's f-ed up!
by finthefrog February 21, 2021
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Dark humor is joking about your own trauma, instead of bashing on people that have done literally nothing to you, that's just called being a dick.
Person1: When I was a child I was beaten with a belt by my dad, i guess he was telling me to just beat it.

Person2: What? That's not funny.
Person1: Well, Its called dark humor. Only other people that have experienced the same trauma as me may find it funny too, but people who may not have experienced it might not get it, or find it offensive.
by t0ysandtricks August 14, 2021
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Dark Humor is when you make fun of your OWN trauma. If you have been raped, you can make rape jokes. If you are LGBTQ+ you can say the f slur and say people are sus. If you are autistic you can say the r slur. If you are black you can say the n slur and say slave jokes, etc. You cannot be racist against minorities, and this word shouldn't be used to justify you being an asshole babes <3
"Imagine not having a dad how embarrassing"

"that is fucked up"

"oh no it's actually dark humor i'm making fun of my own trauma"
by Franceli V. September 13, 2020
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A joke about something that you personally have gone through. Dark humor is used to cope with the traumas that YOU have gone through. If you haven't gone through it then you are just being a dick.

And no, homophobic and racist jokes aren't funny, they're just disgusting and only clowns laugh at those "jokes"
No example needed to define dark humor, you know what you said.........
by Oxcord dictionary August 13, 2020
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Humor based on Dark subjects that tend to be sensitive and offensive. Many losers use this to justify their jokes being lame, unfunny, and insensitive. When DMX died someone said "no one even knows who he is lmao" I replied "Speak for yourself" His response was "gotta love dark humor" it's not dark your joke was just lame
"I can't believe he made fun of her rape"
"It's just dark humor"
by Random niglet April 21, 2021
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A joke that can have a punchline that is homophobic , racist , sexist or flat out offensive. The following examples will show the right way to make a dark humor joke
The correct way
Person 1: this will work out perfectly
Person 2: thats what my ex said
The wrong way
Person 1: happy birthday
Person 2: why did you give me a grill , i cant cook
Person 1: wdym, you’re a woman the kitchen is your home
Person2: thats so sexist

Person 1: no its dark humor
by Mizu_ud March 28, 2022
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Dark Humor is mildly offensive humor that’s still funny. If it’s really offensive and not your own trauma that’s just being a bitch. You can only say really offensive thing about your trauma. If you say something racist the back it up by saying “dark humor” no your just a piece of shit.
Me: Ya so my brother drowned

Person: Oh that’s awful

Me: He tried to scream but his head was under water.

(I’m allowed to joke about this bc it happened to me therefore it’s ok, this is dark Humor)
by September 9, 2020
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