when a person has gotten burned so many times they should have already seen it comin'.
Your girlfriend cheated on you but you take her back and then she does it again and you get mad about it. So she tells you, you got "burnt shoulda learnt".
by G Gonz August 4, 2007
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Meaning that it is of no use to dwell on what should have (shoulda), could have (coulda) or would have (woulda) happened/been done.
Said as an attempt to shorten a discussion that focusses on the past, thus providing no solution to an actual problem.
"Man, if only I didn't cum straight in the air, I wouldnt have jizz on my mullet now."
"Shoulda coulda woulda. There are more important things than that. There is more to life than the jizz on your mullet. You're still young, someday you will wash your hair and the jizz will be gone, but your mullet will last forever."
by bumarse October 17, 2009
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having an opportunity and not taking it, thus regretting it later; usually used when someone is saying to the person who missed the opportunity.
Tom," man, I should have bought that car!"
Jerry," shoulda woulda coulda, but didn't."
by skyebrenna January 13, 2012
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A phenomenon which occurs when one becomes intensley cross-faded to the point of becoming sick. Symptoms include sweating, pale skin, and lead to vommiting. Occurs typically when an individual becomes mildly intoxicated, and then proceeds to unexpectedly smoke more weed than their body is typically accustomed to.
“Yo did you hear what happened to Timmy last night?”
Ya bro, he got super crossed and threw up everywhere!”
“Damn dude, he shoulda had a juul.”
by PatPat Patterson June 7, 2018
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Dismissing a something you could've done, instead of dwelling on it
"If I did _____, I would've gotten it."
"Eh, shoulda coulda woulda"
by AstroIsOffline April 30, 2022
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When Pentecostals can’t speak in tongues, but want the other church folks to think they’ve been baptized by the Holy Spirit.
Pentecostal 1: You know, if you can’t speak in tongues, you’re really a second-class Christian.
Pentecostal 2: *eyes closed, hands raised, as they fall backwards to the floor* Shoulda bought a Honda!
by Boomshakalacca August 17, 2022
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When somebody is having a bad day and they don't take the opportunity to lay low and let the day pass by, and because of this something worse ends up happening to them.
Person 1: Did you hear that my friend Alicia failed her exam and she caught her boyfriend cheating on her in the same day, but she still decided to go clubbing later, where she ended up twisting her ankle, breaking both her shoes and had to go home early, where the taxi driver ran over her cat.

Person 2: OMG Bitch shoulda known! Stay home and let it pass if the day looks bleak.
by Bennyamd August 31, 2015
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