A really sweet girl. She doesn't really know how the world quiet works yet. Sometimes she doesn't feel comfortable in her own skin. People think she is beautiful, caring, and mysterious. She tends to be really hard to figure out. Country music is her favorite because it always describes how she is feeling. She loves to dance like no one is watching. She tends to not really care what people think about her because in the end who really cares? She has a nice butt too.
Skye is so funny! I want to be just like her.
by Shanaynay Bonquiqui August 4, 2014
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Skyes are funny but stern if they need to be. They are the best people you will ever meet in your life. Never let a Skye go. You WILL regret it.
by Grace Katherine May 16, 2019
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Skye. An amazing friend, an amazing person. Some people say nobody is perfect, but if you know Skye, then you know that's not true. She is the greatest friend you could ask for and her smile brightens the whole mood. She knows when you're feeling bad, or upset and just by smiling, she can turn your mood to happy. The bestest friend anyone could ask for, Skye is electrifying!
There's my best friend Skye ♥
by CreepyLaugh October 11, 2011
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A beautiful girl that everyone loves. She's funny, smart, cool, basically perfect.
Guy: If only Skye knew how much i care about her.

Guy 2: Same here.
by SkyeIsBeautiful September 8, 2010
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Skye is the most beautiful girl i have ever met, she is the nicest person ever and always knows how to put a smile on my face. Skye has very pretty brown eyes that she assumes are green but they just arent, Skye is so smart and great to talk to. Skye means the world to me and my life hasn't been the same since i met her. words cant even explain what a wonderful person she is. the sound of her voice will brighten up your day. you'll think about her everyday non stop because the thought of her will get you through anything in life.-Jack Helsby
by RAKE IT UP October 25, 2017
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Skye is very pretty girl, comes across as mean to most people but once you get to know her she’s the most fun person you will meet.
Do not mess with a Skye or she will cut your dick up in slices and put it in a blender if you cheat on her.
Person 1: hey have you seen the new girl Skye?
Person 2: ye she’s very pretty
by Someonesdaughter1 April 17, 2021
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so dang sexy all the guys love her and want to be with her. when she steps in the room everyone looks. every guy wants to be with her and every girl wants to BE her. she has a nice butt too and sexy dance moves. she's SO hot
Friend: "Duh, thats SKYE!"
Me: "I want her!"
Friend: "So does evrybody else"
by cooldude1098 August 24, 2009
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