Just a guy with a dick big as the united States and europe together

He likes girls with an ass even bigger than his dick and Boobs Rich Ass jeff bezos

He likes playin badminton

His penis might come out of your mouth
Girls: oh no youre penis is to Large
Lovis: no dont worry in the worst case it comes out or in your mouth
by Weisserhengst August 3, 2018
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A Lovis is a really confident bitch! She is really strong. Ronja’s mom is a Lovis.
Example: «Wow! She’s really doesn’t give a fuck about What other people think, she stands for what she means! She has to be a Lovis!»
by Lowfish May 24, 2018
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A beautiful, tall and lovely girl. She loves to withdraw and to be alone sometimes. Even if she doesn't show it, she needs attention and is worth it.
you: Hi lovis what's going on?
lovis: what do you mean?
you: why are you sitting here all alone in the dark?
lovis: oh, I'm telling myself a story ...
by HelloLovis January 9, 2021
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A remark used upon parting similar to that of "goodbye," only with a greater sense of affection.
"Lovies!" Mimi yelled over her back as she left the party in her car.
by Meems February 24, 2005
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lovies- (n.) term displaying high regard when speaking of one's friends. formerly very cutsie and endearing, but has lost all meaning due to overuse by copy cats in dumbass AIM profiles.
"missing my lovies!" is now said by everyone, thus it is meaningless and you are all lemmings. k bye.
by kimmie&kris May 30, 2005
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another term for a friend who you care lots about, but not in a romantic way. NOTE: typically not a straight guy's term.
by pseuDONTym May 27, 2011
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